City of Johannesburg to Revalue Looted Properties


The City of Joburg has realised the impact that the recent looting incidents might have on our already-struggling property owners. It urges its customers to approach it to have their damaged properties revalued.

The Municipal Property Rates Act allows for such to take place. A supplementary valuation can be done with effect from date of occurrence. This will be done under Sect 78 (1)(d) (value substantially increased or decreased) of the Municipal Property Rates Act.

The damaged building will be valued taking into consideration the extent of the damage done, including how long it might take to repair as well as the cost to repair, which can be obtained with assistance of the owner. It should be noted that the damages referred to must be to the structure of the building.

An inspection would be done by valuation staff to establish the extent of the damage and the cost to repair. Once repairs have been completed, the property will be revalued again.

Customers may email valuationenquiries@joburg.org.za or dial 011 407-6622 or 011 407-6597 to obtain the application form which must be completed to request the revaluation of the property.

Once completed, the application form may be emailed to: valuationenquiries@joburg.org.za with the following supporting documentation:

- Damage report for the cost of the repairs to the structure of the building; and

- Time frame for completion of repairs to the structure of the building.

Click here to download the Valuation Services Query Form

For more information, customers may contact the Valuations Team on valuationenquiries@joburg.org.za

PLEASE NOTE: The property owners should indicate on this form that they are requesting revaluation due to looting. Kindly submit this as soon as possible even though the City has not yet indicated the closing date. There is also a survey that the City would like you to complete to gather information / data on what the financial loss due to the civil unrest experienced.

04 Apr 2022
Author SAPOA
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